SOLVED: Thanks to a tip, this suspect has been identified as 39-year-old Jason Cherry
of Lakeland. Deputies arrested him today, June 27, 2022, for Robbery with a mask. He is currently being held in the Polk County Jail without bond.
Read the news release here:
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a bank robbery that occurred earlier

today, June 24th at the SouthState bank (4719 S, Florida Ave.) in Lakeland.
At around 10:40 a.m., the man in these photos entered the bank and robbed one of the tellers. He told the teller he was armed. Once the suspect took the money, he fled the bank and was seen walking west through the Green Wise Publix parking lot and then crossing north into the Florida Technical College Parking lot. He then got into a dark colored sedan and drove away on Old Highway 37.
No bank employees were injured and there were no customers in the bank at the time.
The suspect is described as a white male, slender build, with no accent. He is between 5’7” and 5’9” tall and was wearing blue jeans and a blue t-shirt, and black sneakers with white trim and a white center on the shoe’s sole.
"If you recognize this man or have any other information about this robbery, please call us at 863-298-6200, or if you want to remain anonymous, and possibly eligible for a cash reward, you can call Crime Stoppers. Please help us find this guy so we can put him in prison.” – Grady Judd, Sheriff
To remain anonymous, contact Heartland Crime Stoppers in one of four ways (reference case #22-26425):
CALL 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)
DIAL **TIPS from your cell phone
VISIT the website and click on "Submit A Tip,"
DOWNLOAD the free "P3tips" app on your smartphone or tablet.
You will always remain anonymous and you may be eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to an arrest.